Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Aunt

One of the reasons I'm here in Ohio is my Aunt Robyn.  She was a diagnosed with Cancer a while back but recently other ailments have developed.  She was in the Hospital for about a month with pneumonia and pancreatitis.  While she was able to overcome the pneumonia through the hospital's care, the pancreatitis has only gotten worse.  For the most part she just needs prayer.  There isn't a lot we can do other than hope that the doctors can help her through this and rely on God for support throughout.

As you're thinking of my Aunt, you might also send out a prayer for my Uncle John.  While I'm really only just now getting to know him well, it is easy to see that everything is wearing on him both physically and emotionally.  He has a lot on his mind from making sure Robin always has someone there for to running a construction company that is only getting busier and busier.

All your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.  

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