Friday, March 9, 2012

Eat Fresh...Anywhere.

Now that I've been here for a few weeks I've gotten a good feel for the place.  As I've said before, Ohio is very different from California: the weather, the landscape, etc.  But there are a lot of quirky reasons why Ohio stands out.  Here's just a few.

Unlike the gridlocked freeways and standstill thoroughfares of Los Angeles, Ohio has little to no traffic anywhere.  Most of the freeways that I have seen have only two lanes and there is usually a good 500 ft. between each car.  So as you can image, the traffic laws here are a little more relaxed.  For starters, you don't have to wear a seat belt if you're sitting in the back.  Usually that would mean death by flying through the windshield for the pour soul in the middle seat but here in Ohio, there are many cars to hit.  There are however a lot of deer and they get hit all the time.  My cousin has already hit 6.  Apparently the whole "deer in the headlights" thing is true and in Ohio it's illegal swerve out of the way.  So the deer is pretty much screwed either way. 

In California we have a lot of Starbucks. So many in fact, you can find one on almost every corner.  I have yet to see a Starbucks here, but where Ohio lacks in coffee shops they make up in an overabundance of Subway sandwich shops.  They're everywhere!  Every gas station has one inside.  They have stand alone stores in almost every shopping center.  It's ridiculous.

Lastly, if there is one thing that the people here love more than Subway it's water slides.  I'm surprised we don't have more of in California but Ohio more than makes up for it in Indoor water parks.  There are two big ones near Ceder Point.  Both of them are fancy hotels with all kinds of indoor water fun.  There's even a restaurant down the street called the Thirsty Pony that has three water slides.  It's like putting water slides at Outback Steakhouse.

Hopefully this gives you an idea of what life here is like.  So if you're ever in the area you should never have a problem finding a sandwich or a water slide or a deer to hit with your car.

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