Monday, February 27, 2012

View from the front porch

O...hi, O. See what I did there?

I’ve been out of state for almost a week now and the difference between what life was like in California only days ago and what it is like here in Wakeman, Ohio is significant.

Since arriving I have already begun working for my uncle’s construction company. At the moment we are repairing and remodeling parts of Cedar Point, an amusement park located at the tip of a small peninsula in Lake Erie. The bigger jobs include pouring cement foundations for a brand new dinosaur exhibit, remodeling several building interiors to make them handicap accessible, and installing a new 7 ton dry cleaning machine inside the park’s large laundry facility. It’s hard but rewarding work most of the time and is only a sample of what I’ll be up to for the next couple months.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a job with fixed hours. My brother and I leave for work at 6:30 every morning and head back home at 3 every afternoon. The stability is hard to get used to after years of working random hours with no set end time. It does have its advantages though, like being able to plan my days.

At the moment we are without a vehicle so this first week has mainly consisted of work, home, and visits to the hospital to see my aunt.

My aunt has been very sick for a little while now but she seems to be in good spirits, always thinking of others before herself even though it is her that is truly in need. It’s hard to see her in so much pain but comforting to know that she has complete faith that God is working in some way or another.

I’m sharing a room with my brother Cody again. We have been sleeping on a king size waterbed, so that’s been fun. And by fun I mean pretty ridiculous. Neither of us have ever had a waterbed so we just keep rolling all over the place trying to figure out how to best fall asleep.

So far the decision to come out here has been turning out to be a good one. I’m enjoying the time spent with family and it will be nice having a consistent job that actually pays even though it’s a bit out of my field. It has definitely been a interesting change of pace so far and I’m looking forward to sharing more about it as we really settle in.